If you’re looking to make some money online, the reselling business is a great option with reseller hosting being the best place to start. Once you’ve purchased web space, there’s always the scope for making profits. Here’s how you can make your profits:
- Product: To start off, pick a reseller hosting package that gives you sufficient disk space and bandwidth. Then, offer your customers products and packages that fit their requirements. Offer additional features and benefits like customer support, security certificates etc. to your customers as addons. ResellerClub support provides 24×7 support so your customers are attended to swiftly to resolve issues.
- Pricing: While choosing a price to set, make sure to set a price profitable to you as well as attractive to your customers. Setting a price too high may force your customers to turn to your competition. Make sure you set a stable, clear price, without hidden charges. While you choose a reseller hosting package, pick one that gives you a good profit margin. ResellerClub offers stable prices and the best in the market so you can sell a good volume of hosting by providing highly competitive prices to your customers. We currently have some great promos that you can check out here.
- Promotions: A great way to make money is by offering discounts. Now, while that may sound contradictory, it might in fact boost your sales. Offering products at lower prices means your customers can buy more of your products. It also means they are more likely to recommend you to others looking for great deals and good service. Try and offer discounts during festivals, celebrations or milestones. Also, offers are a good way to thank your customers for their loyalty to you. In addition to promotions, make sure you advertise your brand well online as well as offline. Start with a newspaper ad or a newsletter and move your marketing campaign on social media, blogs and text link ads.
- Network: This is an absolute necessity and often, costs nothing at all. Events by registrars, registries, IT companies are a great place to meet like-minded people and potential customers. Online forums are also a hub for networking. Try and find unpopulated forums or groups that haven’t already been tackled by other resellers. A good idea is to start looking for websites similar to your own. In all probability, there will be hundreds of interested clients if you’ve got a good deal going.
- Customer Satisfaction: Always make sure your customers are being heard and answered. Whether on social media or elsewhere, your customers will appreciate an acknowledgment and a quick response from you. This could go a long way in building a strong customer base and getting the word across to other potential customers.
Get your hosting business on the road and follow these tips to get your business on the way. If you’ve got more tips, do share it with us in the comments section below.
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