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When you purchase a domain name, there are several add-on features that you can choose to purchase along with your domain. Some features are useful to everyone while some may only be relevant only to a certain set of users. Many-a-time when we realize a service is an add-on we assume that it might not be worthwhile – it is healthy to be wary of unnecessary up-sells, of course, but it is also a good…

Recently, a ‘”commotion” has broken out online, creating waves. Let’s bring you up to speed to the topic that’s created quite a stir online. A topic that affects many… small and large businesses and individuals including you and me… privacy. The stir was in response to the GNSO Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues (PPSAI) Working Group Initial Report. The report aims to bring privacy and proxy services, currently uncontrolled by ICANN, under ICANN’s contractual wing. You can…