When it comes to taking your website online, one of the essential factors to consider is the type of web hosting solution you choose. Several traditional web hosting solutions like Shared, VPS, and Dedicated Hosting dominate the market and are the popular choice for different business types and sizes. However, with the increase in digitalisation —businesses are looking for a much more scalable and flexible hosting solution, and that’s where Cloud Hosting comes in. Unlike…
Reseller hosting gives scope for growth to business owners and to their clients and customers. As your business grows, we encourage you to consider moving to larger plans after you buy from a top reseller hosting service. Among the many important functions of a reseller host, customer migration is a valuable aspect. If your clients have multiple domains or are having trouble packing files on your website, you may be asked to help them move…
The scope of the IT revolution and digital transformation is constantly changing. And considering this evolution, many businesses are actively investing in the digital infrastructure, including servers, network architecture, compute resources, and more, to stay dynamic and ahead of the competition. Depending on their size, requirements, and other hosting demands, these investments will differ from business to business. Therefore, when starting a business, you need to make a critical decision of choosing between a Physical…
Reseller Hosting is quite a buzzword that is gaining immense popularity in the web hosting industry because of the multiple advantages it offers to the Hosting Resellers. Despite its popularity, many get confused with this hosting service because of vague concepts. Many terms and jargon are thrown around, including Hosting Reseller, reseller account, and more, which are important to understand to get a clear understanding of this hosting service. In this article, we answer some…
The demand for web hosting plans and services is rising each day. According to research—the global web hosting market and industry is expected to reach $183.05 billion at a CAGR of 15.2% by 2027, which was valued at $57.46 million back in 2019. This ever-growing demand for web hosting services increases the competition amongst the leading hosting companies. So, the question is, in this highly competitive market with well-established hosting providers–-is a Web Hosting Reseller…
Dedicated Servers are fast, powerful, reliable, and secure devices. However, the biggest advantage of a Dedicated Server is that it is endlessly configurable for all practical purposes. This article looks at why you might want to configure your Dedicated Server, some of the most important things you should do, and how to go about it. The Need to Configure a Dedicated Server Once you’ve chosen the hosting company you want to partner with, you’ll have…
William Edwards Demming, the father of modern quality management, said that ‘In God we trust; all others must bring data’. Data has proven to be an essential commodity that has effectively fuelled digital growth. Clive Humby’s iconic declaration of ‘data is the new oil’ is the oft-quoted phrase to establish the relevance of data as a precious resource in today’s digital age. And, every valuable commodity needs to be stored and secured effectively. This has…
VPS or Virtual Private Server is a form of breaking down one physical server into smaller servers and assigning each of these smaller units to individual customers. Let’s understand each term separately. Server: Since each of these smaller units is a self-sustaining environment with complete root access of the OS given to the customer, we can call this unit a server. It’s important to note that this is different from a Shared Hosting order, where…
The web hosting industry has constantly evolved over the years. What started from Dedicated Server-based Hosting evolved to Shared Hosting and finally to more advanced hosting setups such as VPS Hosting and Cloud Hosting. While Shared and VPS Hosting platforms are popular for being the cost-effective options for smaller, budget-conscious websites, Cloud Hosting is touted to be the future of hosting. The unparalleled scalability, data redundancy and security of Cloud Hosting platforms have positioned it…
With the advancement of technology and customer access, setting up your own web hosting company has gotten a lot easier, but the model is constantly evolving. 20 years ago, during the beginning years of the Internet, users were limited to a few web hosting providers. At that time, the size of the memory / hard drive was limited to between 35 KB and 2 MB, depending on the provider. With shared hosting, the average storage…