Look around you. Think of all the brilliant and successful business owners that you know or look up to. What is the one common thing amongst all? What is it that sets them apart from the rest? I believe, and I’m sure you’ll agree, that it’s the ‘never stop learning and growing’ attitude that sets successful business owners apart from the rest. No matter which acclaimed business school you attend, or how big your business…
As of March 15 2019, WordPress powers 33.4% websites all over the globe. Being a popular Content Management System it releases new updates every few months. December 2018 saw the release of WordPress 5.0 ‘Bebo’ which introduced the block editor. The new 5.1 update named ‘Betty’ honoring the celebrated Jazz vocalist Betty Carter focuses on polishing the performance of the website. Let us see in detail what the new update in WordPress brings to the…
We had covered the changes in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement in one of our previous posts. Today, in this blog post, we will list down the policy details and the implications it has on you so that you can ensure that you are compliant with all the items listed as part of the current Reseller Master Agreement. Here’s a list of key points from the Reseller Master Agreement , Section 4 : Obligations Of The…
Keeping in mind the constant feature requests that many of you had raised in the past, we introduced the ability to oversell packages on our Reseller Hosting products in February. The SuperSite was previously designed to display only 4 plans at a time. Now we have tweaked the SuperSite to allow display of 5 Reseller Hosting plans! If you have customized your Supersite, please update the following files to ensure all the necessary changes associated to…
New domain strings have been released since we published this new gTLDs Report Card in the month of February. The total number of sales of the new gTLDs has now shot well over 200,000+ registered domains! We recently also discussed how using the gTLD Wishlist can keep you ahead of the competition in this growing new market. You can read the entire article here. Today, we are going to look over the updated numbers of…
Since the time new gTLDs entered the domain name market in a big way over the past month, we recently shared some insightful statistics about the performance of each of the new gTLDs here. We have also discussed the Opportunities and Challenges for Domain Resellers with the introduction of so many new options in the Namepool. Today, we’d like to discuss how you can use our custom built ‘Wishlist’ feature to stay ahead of the…
With the first set of New gTLDs now in General Availability, I wanted to put together a few thoughts around what this opportunity could mean for you as a reseller. The Opportunity for Resellers: No Need for Thin Margins: Every registry that we are working with is focusing on the value and the branding around their TLDs. An obvious strategy considering the need to differentiate and carve out a niche for their TLD but an…
Here is our latest update on the progress of new gTLD launches! Sunrise Phase: The following new gTLDs will be available on Sunrise Phase starting today: .club .buzz .coffee .florist .house .international .solar .holiday .marketing Product signups for these have started happening and should be completed before Monday. Few of the above new gTLDs under the DONUTS registry will be added to the previously created Donuts Groups 1, 2 and 3, hence they may not…