In this blog on the ‘MongoDB vs MySQL comparison’, I’ll break down database jargon to explain the difference between the newer system and the legacy that is MySQL. While a lot of the terms associated with this topic might be familiar to many web professionals out there, I’m laying it all out to help those who could do without the techspeak. So let’s get started! MySQL and MongoDB are ‘database management systems’. To really understand…
With the surge in technology and smartphones in the market, the way modern day businesses are shaping up has seen a good amount of change. And whether you are a budding online business or someone who is looking to start one, having a mobile app is something you must have considered. According to a research, by the year 2020 there are likely to be around 38.5 billion devices all connected to each other over the…
As a web pro, developing is a core part and there is no shortage of programming languages, with Python being the trending one. Python is an interactive programming language and getting started with programming a GUI (Graphical User Interface) framework is not much of a difficult task. Python has a diverse range of options for GUI frameworks. From Cross-Platform frameworks to Platform-Specific frameworks, Python wiki lists them all. In this blog, I’ll be covering the…
This blog explains what the EPEL repository is and how to install it on CentOS. What is the EPEL repository? The EPEL (or Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) Repository is a free and open-source repository which provides high-quality and easy-to-install add-on packages for commonly-used software. Before we begin, here are a few terms to brush up on: Wget-or ‘web get’-a command-line utility to download content over a network Red Hat Enterprise Linux/Fedora/CentOS : are Linux…
A well-versed web developer/designer such as you already knows that WordPress is one of the most frequently used free content management systems(CMS). From simple websites to blogs, applications and enterprise websites, WordPress can handle them all with much ease. Thus, it’s not much of a surprise that WordPress powers more than 24% of the web. Wordpress: A Developer’s Paradise Why, you ask? Firstly it is an open source CMS which comprises of a huge community…