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Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Machine Learning are the current face of technology. In fact, there are numerous AI-powered devices, robots and algorithms to make our work easier. AI has penetrated into almost all the domains – be it health sector, education or business. However, the question remains, ‘how do machines interact with each other or take decisions?’ Well, the answer to this is simple – they follow patterns based on their previous history…

The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines project management as ‘the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements’. Project management had always been practised informally but has recently emerged as a formal profession due to the demand for specific skills and domain knowledge required for project management. Today, project management has come a long way. Long enough to warrant discussions about the impact that Artificial Intelligence (you can’t…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world we live in and affecting every area of our lives. It eliminates email SPAM. It knows what we want to watch on Netflix. It can also predict health concerns we may have in the future so that we can take steps to prevent them. Moving further, AI is changing the landscape for our careers. There are very few industries that are not currently disrupted by AI in one…

The business space is rapidly transforming into a battle of technologies. Startups like Chrous.AI – in AI powered CRM, and Conversable – a chatbots platform are making massive leaps in the marketing space. In this guide, I’ll specifically focus on chatbots, and how any digital and retail marketer can leverage them to implement super smart marketing strategies in 2018. Chatbots are being touted as the next big thing for businesses and with good reasons. Personalized…