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Jekyll is an Open Source software written in Ruby which lets you create  static websites without having to install a web server  or a database. It is easy to install and perfect for building company blogs or stand alone websites.

You can build static websites with components such as tags, templates, partials, permalinks etc with Jekyll.

It’s important to note that Jekyll is not a blogging software and does not come with design elements or templates.

Jekyll is extremely effective and minimalistic. We recommend installing it on your Linux, VPS or Dedicated Server for better performance. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to go about installing the software.

Step1: Install Ruby and RubyGems via RVM

RVM is a ruby version manager and allows you to easily manage multiple Ruby environments with a single command.


#Install RVM and Ruby

\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable –ruby

#Install RubyGems

rvm rubygems current


Step2: Install Jekyll via Gems


gem install jekyll


Step3: Create a new static website with Jekyll

Once jekyll is installed you can create and administer your website with the jekyll command.


jekyll new jekyll-site


This command will create a new folder jekyll-site.

Step4: View your website in a Web Browser


cd jekyll-site

jekyll serve -H


Replace with your servers IP address and You should be able to view your website at YourIPAddress:4000

You can now create your own templates here  or you can even migrate an existing blogJekyll also has Open Source themes available at here. Simply download the theme you like and start serving. You create templates  for Jekyll too. For basic usage of the software, here is the command you can use in a number of ways.

If you do have queries or require assistance, do let us know in the comments section below.

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