Reselling web hosting services can be a profitable, easy to manage business, if you do it right. However, there are resellers out there who have neglected the basics and are struggling to get it back on track. To save you the trouble, we’ve created a Reseller Hosting Business Checklist with points most important to check off your list before you start your web hosting business.
- Identifying Business Goals: Could include traffic goals, sales targets, customer base growth etc. Having a plan and a goal can keep you on track.
- Fix a Budget: Before you start any business, it’s imperative to have a budget in place, be it a monthly or a yearly budget.
- Figuring the Price Range: Too high and you may not have too many customers, too low & your profits might be minimal. Pick the middle ground & offer seasonal discounts & offers.
- Know Your Host: Consider the support service, money-back policies, uptime reliability, customer reviews, additional features, terms & conditions & prices of your web host before you choose one.
- Get familiar with Common Terms: If you’re unfamiliar with terms like ‘bandwidth’, VPS, ‘Linux’, it’s a good idea to take a while to understand them before you start your reseller hosting business.
- Have a Marketing Plan: Know how you want to market yourself and to whom. Will you include online marketing? Who will you target?
We at ResellerClub have the best and most competitive prices for reseller hosting in the industry! If you’re on the lookout for a great host, we’re your at your service with 24×7 customer support and the best reseller program! Reseller Hosting Business.
If you’ve got more tips to share, please do so in the comments section below!
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