Reseller Hosting is a web hosting service where individuals can start and establish their own web hosting business by purchasing hosting plans and server space from a parent hosting company and renting them to their customers as per their website’s requirements. Being a Hosting Reseller, you can sell Reseller Hosting packages in a highly customizable manner and at a highly competitive rate. This is the reason why resellers can earn a great profit through this hosting solution.
When you buy a reseller account, many top Reseller Hosting providers offer a WHM (Web Host Manager) with their hosting services. It helps Hosting Resellers with several website management tasks, such as adding domains, managing hosting packages, and sending invoices to clients or other billing activities. WHM is an administrative control panel for managing customer’s reseller accounts. Hence, WHM is a crucial control panel and needs to be kept secured for your website’s security. For this, you must enhance your WHM password’s strength.
You can modify and change the WHM password strength configuration within WHM. However, before we jump right into the steps to change your WHM password strength, let us first see the importance of having a strong WHM password.
Importance of a strong WHM password
Having a strong password is of absolute importance to prevent unauthorized and malicious access to your business websites. Choosing a long and complex password will make it difficult for hackers to access your website or guess its password through a brute-force attack or an automated machine attack. These attacks try multiple combinations of numbers, letters, and characters to guess your website’s password and hack it to steal its files and critical information.
Your website’s account possesses critical and sensitive information about your customers and your business, which can lead to a major problem if stolen. If your website is compromised and the data is leaked, it questions your business’s credibility and reliability, leading to loss of customers and loss of sales.
In addition, Google pushes down websites with poor security down the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) position, affecting its SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance and visibility. Therefore, the more complex your WHM password is, the better security you will have for your website.
It is advisable not to include these in your WHM passwords:
- A string with sequential numbers or letters (for example, pqrs, 45678)
- A combination of your address or phone number.
- A part of your username with little modification as your password.
- Words from the dictionary, which hackers can easily guess and hack your business website through a dictionary program.
Therefore, choosing a strong and complicated password, which is difficult to guess, is crucial. In addition, you must also ensure that you do not share these passwords with any third-party entities or share these credentials through an email.
Now that we have seen the criticality of having a strong password let us see how you can modify its strength for your business’s security.
Modifying password strength in WHM
Managing password strength configuration in WHM helps set strict and complex passwords on the server. You can set your password’s strength’s anywhere from the scale of 0 to 100, where 100 indicates a very strong password strength. You must set your WHM password’s strength at least 40 or more.
Follow the steps mentioned below for the WHM password modification:
- The first step is to log in to your WHM.
- Once you log in, you will be steered to a page where you must select the “Security Center” option.
- Now, select the “Password Strength Configuration” option.
- You will land on a page with multiple sliders. These sliders are used to modify the password’s strength. Select the option “Default Required Password Strength” if you wish to use it and set the default password strength. Or, you can set and enter a specific number from 0 to 100 in the text box to set it as your “Default Required Password Strength”. This value may vary from website to website.
- Alternatively, if you wish to set a minimum required password strength for a specific feature, use that specific feature’s slider to slide to its minimum desired password strength, or enter a desired number in the text box to set the strength. There are multiple features, such as Account Creation, Mailing Lists, MySQL Users, PostgreSQL Users, System/cPanel Accounts, SSH Keys, Site Software Installs, and more for which you can set a desired required password strength.
- Finally, click on “Save” to save all the changes made.
And that is how easy it is to modify the password strength of your WHM account.
Summing Up
WHM is an essential control panel that comes with many Web Hosting Reseller plans and services. It is critical to modify your password’s strength and change your password regularly, at least every 5-6 months. This prevents hackers and malware attackers from accessing your website’s sensitive data and information.
If you wish to start your web hosting venture and be a Hosting Reseller, you must check out the Reseller Hosting plans and services by ResellerClub that offer pre-integrated cPanel/WHM and free WHMCS (Web Host Manager Complete Solution). ResellerClub plans with WHMCS allow you to manage and sell highly customizable and flexible web hosting plans to your customers.
So, have a look at our Reseller Hosting plans and choose a suitable plan for your web hosting business today.
To know more about our hosting services, and other updates from the world of hosting head to our Hosting Blogs now.
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