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As a website owner, the security of your website is of utmost importance. An SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate ensures and authenticates a website by encrypting the data within your website’s network basically your computer and the end destination server.

OpenSSL is a powerful toolkit for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) and licensed under an Apache style license. SSL widely known as Secure Socket Layer is the security protocol that encrypts the links between your web server and browser, securing it. To create the SSL connection your web servers needs an activated SSL certificate. and, you can easily install it. Typically once you activate your SSL certificate, ‘HTTP’ changes to ‘HTTPS’ in the URL, securing your website.

The process for installing SSL in your cPanel varies slightly with different hosting products, the steps with Shared Hosting might not necessarily be same with Cloud.

In this post, I’ll be covering how you can enable SSL in your cPanel using WHM.

Installation Steps:

To install SSL in your cPanel when you have root access to your server (Dedicated Hosting and VPS Hosting) you need to follow the following steps,

  1. Login to your WHM root account and select SSL/TLS which is available to the cPanel users
  2. Next step would be to generate the SSL Certificate , private key and CSR (Certificate Signing Requests), the Private Key is set to 2048 bits as it is the recommended size.

  3. Once the certificate is generated, a copy of it will be sent to you via email too. To activate the certificate you need to install it. You can either paste the certificate or browse it and upload it automatically.

  4. Reload your website to check if the certificate is installed. If it is, you’ll see https instead of http in your url.

Enabling SSL in cPanel using WHM full root access is a simple process and enabling it assures your customers that both your website and business are secure as well as genuine.

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H. FatimaH. FatimaH. Fatima used to be an Engineer by profession and Writer by passion until she started pursuing full-time writing. She is presently a Content Marketeer at Newfold Digital (APAC). She mostly writes what she deeply perceives and analyses, it is her way of unwinding. Her interests include writing, reading (an avid reader), watching foreign-language movies and public speaking.View all posts by H. Fatima