Choosing the right web hosting plan is highly important when taking your business online. While you need to consider several factors when choosing a hosting plan for your website, including the server’s uptime guarantee, security, speed, scalability, and performance—it’s also crucial to check for the hosting resources.
Your website’s performance will depend on the resources you get with your hosting plan—including CPU cores, RAM, disk space, and memory.
Thus, if you’re looking for a VPS Hosting solution and wondering how much RAM you need for your website, you’re at the right place. However, the truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question, and it depends on several factors and varies for each website.
So, in this article, we’ll learn more about these factors and help you determine the amount of RAM you require for your website needs and requirements. But first, let’s learn more about RAM and its significance for your website.
What is RAM, and Why Should You Worry About Choosing The Right Amount For Your VPS Plan?
Random Access Memory (RAM) is your computer’s temporary data storage solution that helps store important data for a short time.
Your computer stores data on RAM for a short-term basis, allowing you to quickly access the most recent data and information on your computer.
It’s the most fundamental resource used in web hosting servers; thus, all the software that runs on your VPS Server needs some RAM to run efficiently. Therefore, in VPS Hosting, the higher the RAM, the better your website’s performance and speed.
So, the more software and programs you run on your VPS Server, the more websites hosted on a VPS Server, the more traffic you receive, and the more plugins you use—the more RAM you’ll require to ensure the smooth functioning of your sites and systems.
At the same time, insufficient RAM for the number of tasks and programs you run on your server will make your systems and server run slow—often resulting in website downtimes.
Hence, it’s imperative to choose a plan that offers enough RAM for your VPS Server so your website runs smoothly and you don’t overpay for the RAM you don’t need.
So, let’s determine the right amount of RAM for your VPS-hosted website.
The Amount of RAM You Need For Different Purposes
Whether you’re a blogger or an eCommerce store owner—the amount of RAM you require for your site will vary significantly.
So, let’s see how much RAM you need based on your specific VPS needs and demands.
1. How much RAM do you need for your website or VPS Server Management?
If you wish to host and manage a single website on your VPS Server—then upto 2 GB of RAM should be enough and adequate to handle all your needs.
It’s perfect for those who outgrow their Shared Server requirements and need to upgrade their website to a VPS Server. However, if you’re an eCommerce store owner—you’ll definitely need more RAM, which brings us to our next point.
2. How much RAM do you use for your eCommerce store?
eCommerce stores store a huge truckload of customer data and information and experience daily visitors and transactions.
If you’re just starting with your eCommerce store, receive minimal traffic, and need to efficiently run your VPS Server regardless of the CMS—upto 2 GB of RAM should be sufficient for your store.
However, if you expect a huge amount of website traffic and daily transactions—it’s better to go for a VPS Hosting plan that offers at least upto 4 GB RAM.
3. How much RAM do you use for your WordPress blog?
If you run a basic, small, and single WordPress website on your VPS Server with minimal website traffic—you won’t require much; just 256 MG of RAM would be sufficient for your needs.
A basic VPS Hosting plan is sufficient for your WordPress site even if you plan on building it with too many open-source elements—including shortcodes, plugins, and page builders with full root access.
At the same time, if your WordPress website receives robust traffic and uses many shortcodes, plugins, and a page builder, go for a VPS plan with upto 2 GB of RAM.
4. How much RAM do you require for running multiple websites?
If you wish to host multiple business websites on your VPS Server or for your clients, you’ll require much more RAM than we discussed.
Since you won’t be aware of your client’s website’s growth and scalability—it’s better and safer to go for a VPS plan with upto 8 GB of RAM. Furthermore, it’s ideal to choose 8 GB of RAM—considering the number of website visitors and other factors that might affect your VPS Server.
5. How much RAM do you require to run a gaming server?
Using a VPS Server to play games like Minecraft or World of Warcraft is not uncommon.
Using 4 GB of RAM is recommended to ensure your games keep running without any speed or performance lags. But, as you achieve higher levels or attract more players—you should go for 8 GB of RAM to experience optimum and faster gaming speed.
Thus, the amount of RAM you require for the eCommerce store, WordPress site, hosting multiple sites, and a gaming server will vary depending on your specific factors like traffic and software utilization.
We recommend you analyze your needs and check out the different VPS Hosting plans we offer at ResellerClub. We offer from 2 GB to 8 GB of RAM for websites with different needs and requirements. So, contact us to learn more and choose the ideal VPS plan for your business.
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