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A common question for anyone who has just built their website is to figure out which web hosting service to use. The options in the market are endless. The conundrum is not only to pick the right web hosting company but also which web hosting package to purchase from the many types available within that company. This blog will focus on the best web hosting for WordPress in particular and will share all the information you need to make the right decision on your own by just asking a few questions.

Why? As obvious as it may seem, making the right choice of web hosting product is critical for the success of your WordPress website or blog. Customers today judge a website in the first few seconds of a page loading. A slow page, or one with obvious security issues will lose any traffic that it attracts, for good.

Your choice will determine how efficient your WordPress website or blog will be with regards to:

    • Speed
    • Scalability
  • Security
  1. Pick the right web host:

Ask the following questions of each WordPress web hosting company you come across:

    • How long have they been in the industry?
    • How many customers do they have?
    • What reviews do you see from those customers online? (while online reviews cannot always be trusted, it should give you a general idea)
    • What kind of support system do they offer? Are there different ways to reach out to their teams? Are they available 24X7?
    • Do they offer other related web service products such as security, email and backup solutions? Purchasing everything you need for your website in one place will reduce the time you spend coordinating with different providers
    • What steps/technology do they implement to guard against security threats?
    • What is their backup policy?
    • Do they offer servers in locations closer to you? (web page speed is everything)
    • Do they allow you the ability to manage your hosting package on the go i.e from a mobile device?
  • And most importantly, do they specifically have WordPress Hosting?
  1. Pick the best web hosting for WordPress:

Once you zero in on the right web hosting company for you, you need to figure out which of their web hosting packages will suit your website. Like I already mentioned, if you have a WordPress website, you must purchase a WordPress Hosting package. Why? While a regular web hosting package such as Shared Hosting or Cloud Hosting could suffice for your WordPress website, it will not give you the edge that a WordPress Hosting package can. A WordPress Hosting environment is optimized to deliver the best speed, performance and security to a WordPress website.

Here are a list of items you should look at when considering a WordPress hosting package:

  • Pre-installed WordPress:

Good web hosting companies will offer the WordPress script pre-installed on your server to let you get started within minutes.

  • Automatic WordPress updates:

WordPress is an open-source script supported by web developers around the world. They ensure that the platform is continuously updated with the latest features and also plug any security loopholes that are detected. Therefore, a good web hosting company will offer automatic WordPress updates to ensure you face no issues with a old script.

  • Speed enhancement:

The best hosting for WordPress will offer solutions such as advanced caching and a CDN to help you deliver the fastest page speeds to your client.

  • Scalability:

How easy is it to upgrade to a higher plan once your website starts growing? For example, ResellerClub’s WordPress Hosting product lets you increase your RAM and CPU on-demand to cater to the growth of your website.

  • Security:

As the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world, WordPress is subject to a lot of security threats. The WordPress team regularly fixes security issues on the platform and releases them as updates. To ensure that your website has the best protection, look at what security solutions your web hosts provides along your WordPress hosting package. For example,

Companies like SiteGround monitor and fix vulnerabilities on WordPress and its plugins at the server level before official WordPress releases and at ResellerClub, our WordPress Hosting product offers SiteLock, an anti-malware solution to ensure robust security.

For some additional security, we recommend adding these plugins to your WordPress website.

  • Managed WordPress Hosting – How much hand-holding do you need?

A few companies will offer a version called Managed WordPress Hosting that will involve the web host managing hosting and administrative (especially technical) tasks for you. This is to let you focus on running your business and not having to worry about the technicalities of web hosting. Managed Hosting providers do this in various ways. Liquid Web, for example, manages plugin updates. ResellerClub helps takes away the worry of backing up your website with our CodeGuard integration in our packages. CodeGuard is a cloud-based backup service that backs up your data and stores it in a high-secure environment.

This should give you a good idea of how to pick the best web hosting for WordPress. Do you have a few more questions or points to add to this list? We’d like to hear from you!

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