If you are a business owner, looking to get online or create a brand-new digital identity, get buzzing and busy with a .BIZ domain name. Synonymous with ‘business’, a .BIZ domain will instantly set you apart as a professional business online. Whether you are a service provider, an ecommerce platform, a B2B or B2C business – .BIZ is perfect for all kinds of businesses online. Running and owning a business online is not easy! You…
.CO is the domain name for dreamers, doers and go-getters! Launched in 2010, initially, .CO was associated with ‘Company’ and ‘Corporate’ only; then came ‘Community’. However, today, .CO is not restricted to any venture online – personal or business. From start-ups to entrepreneurs, artists to innovators; everyone is choosing .CO to get their ideas online and make it big! What’s so special about .CO? It’s short, memorable and crisp. It’s industry-agnostic It’s globally recognized It’s a domain for big and…
The .CO domain extension is memorable, globally recognized, short and crisp for your big ideas and goals! While a lot of new domain extensions are available in the market today, most of these are restricted and suitable for a specific niche/market. .CO on the other hand is generic; thus, giving you the opportunity to create and build any niche that you want to. Across the globe, ‘CO’ is used as an abbreviation or an acronym for Company/Corporate. This means business websites, networking sites, professional services or anyone who…
At ResellerClub we celebrate and revel in the success of our customers and their growth stories. Being associated with over 200,00+ resellers across the globe, we feel proud when we look at our customer’s journey and the great work they are doing. One such reseller that makes us proud is creativeON Hosting Pvt. Ltd. We spoke to Mr. Junaid Omer, Director @ creativeON, where he told us all about his experience of working with ResellerClub and the industry. Read on to know what…
If you’re a global corporate website, your domain name and your domain extension must show that! A .CO domain extension has become a symbol of globally recognized corporates that are here to own their space and make an impact. Whether you use .CO by itself or with a country-specific domain extension like .co.in or .co.au, people will recognize your website URL as a professional domain and associate your website with businesses and corporations. That’s the…
What is Customer Churn? Why do we need to measure the churn rate? Why focus on customer churn and not growth? How does one reduce the churn rate? If you’ve been trying to find the answers to these questions, we’ll try and do that by the end of this blog! Customer churn is an important metric. Although technically it shows ‘loss’, it is a measure that can help you gain more. Simply put, customer churn…
Dedicated Servers or Dedicated Server Hosting is exactly that — a server entirely dedicated to your website. Unlike Shared Servers, Dedicated Servers are exclusively used by one website and thus all the server resources are also exclusive. This also means that you are entirely in control of the security, the add-on resources and of course the entire server cost as well. Confused? Let’s take a more day-to-day example to understand Dedicated Servers. Imagine you travel…
Just like ‘It takes a village to raise a child’, it takes a team of dedicated resources to build and run a successful business. Owning and running a business means absolute dedicated efforts 24X7 to make sure everything runs smoothly and your customers or clients have the best experience doing business with you. It’s this dedicated hard work that allows you to scale and grow your business. Whether you start as a one-man army or…
2020 will go down in history as one of the most challenging years that tested our patience, skills, capabilities and capacities. Both personally and professionally, the year kept us on our toes (not literally considering the lockdowns!). 2021 is here and with it comes new learnings, new vigour and a whole lot of new business challenges and opportunities. If you look at the recent trends in digital marketing, the one thing that no business or…
The way we do business today has changed. With the internet becoming the one-stop solution for all our needs, our customers expect us to be able to serve them digitally. Business-customer interactions have gone completely digital and while this has made it a seamless process — without complete thought and consideration this can be a big challenge. Look at it this way — if you own a physical store and customers walk in you are physically…